Building Community by Building Community Gardens
When we get the opportunity to build new gardens we jump right in. Several of the gardens in the program were developed with financial resources through the Friends of Portland Community Gardens.
New Gardens come in a variety of types. We are currently working with groups that are creating temporary housing to address some of the houselessness our community is experiencing. This work involves development of in-ground garden beds as well as rolling cart garden beds. At some point we will be doing container gardens. On July 27th we will be installing 4 garden beds and 4 mobile tree planters at the Avalon Village on SE Division at 19th.
Over the next 6-12 months we will be working with FolkTime to rehabilitate their Bliss Garden between 47th and 48th on NE Couch. Volunteer opportunities are many. Contact us at
We’ve looked at developing roof-top gardens, and when the right opportunity arises, we will be there.
Crossroads Community Garden Success Story
The Crossroads Community Gardens was built by FPCG and then turned over to the Portland Parks Community Garden Program. There was a lot of sweat equity (Volunteers) and a fairly substantial monetary investment to bring this garden into existence.